6th International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum
12–17 June 2022
Tampere University, Finland
Latest news on ICOAM 2022
ICOAM 2024
The next iteration of the ICOAM, the 7th iteration, will happen in 2024 in South Africa! We are looking forward to this event and wish you all the best until then!
ICOAM 2022 Photos
Please find below links to the photos made during the ICOAM 2022 in Tampere.
- Photos from Jonne Renvall – Tampere University, Finland: link
- Photos from Jacqui Romero – University of Queensland, Australia: link
ICOAM Student Poster Prize Winners
We are congratulating the ICOAM Student Poster Prize winners once more for their great presentation of their posters.
We also thank Nanophotonics for sponsoring this poster price.
The winners are (center of the photo from left to right):
Matias Eriksson, Tampere University, Finland – Talbot self-imaging and two-photon interference in ring-core fibers
Natalia Herrera Valencia, – Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom – Entangled ripples and twists of light: Radial and azimuthal Laguerre-Gaussian mode entanglement
Maddie Waller, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom – Environment-modified Three-body Energy Transfer
Photo kindly provided by Jacqui Romero.
You can find the photo in high resultion here.
ICOAM Student Travel Support Grantees
We are congratulating the ICOAM Student Travel Support Grantees for their nice presentation of their posters and the active participation to ICOAM 2022.
We thank OPTICA for sponsoring not only the travel support of two students as well as the waiving of the registration fees of another three students, but we also thank OPTICA for the generous support of a student networking event.
The Grantees are (center of the photo from left to right):
Baby Komal, Indian Institute of Technology, Dehli, India
Suman Karan, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Photo done Jonne Renvall / Tampere University.
You can find the photo in high resultion here.
The registration fees werte waived for Manisha (Indian Institute of Technology, Dehli, India), Kapil Kumar Gangwar (Indian Institute of Technology, Dehli, India), and Sarvesh Bansal (Indian Institute of Technology, Dehli, India).
ICOAM 2022 Group Photo
Photo done Jonne Renvall / Tampere University.
You can find the photo in high resultion here.
ICOAM 2022 stream
The ICOAM 2022 was streamed online during all sessions. We thank all online participants and hoped you enjoyed it.
Public Lecture by Sir Michael Berry !
We are happy to announce that in connection to the ICOAM 2022, Sir Michael Berry kindly agreed to give a public lecture on Friday 17th June at 6:00pm.
His talk will have the great title “The physics of light in eighty pictures”.
More details can be found in the flyer.
ICOAM 2022 booklet
The ICOAM booklet with all details and information on and around the conference can be found here
The program is now online !
The detailed program of the conference can be found here.
Thank you for all contributions!
The registration is now closed !
Thank you all for registering. We look forward to welcome you soon in Tampere!
Abstract submission for talks and posters is closed!
We have been made aware that some speakers have been contacted by email or even phone about making a reservation for accommodation or paying some conference-related fee. Such emails or phone calls do not originate or are related to the official organizers. It is spam and we hope that this does not cause any issues. We will share information about possible quota reservations for nearby hotels only on this webpage and we kindly ask the participants to make their own reservations through the listed hotels (see here). All payments for the conference will be done via this webpage (see here)!
About the conference
Latest information regarding COVID-19 can be found here.
The 6th ICOAM will take place in June 2022 in Tampere, Finland!
ICOAM 2022 is the 6th conference of the series, which is bringing together scientists whose research is focusing on structured light in a broad sense. The optical angular momentum attached to certain structures, i.e. twisted wavefronts, might be the most well-known property but certainly, it is only one of the many peculiar features characterizing these states of light. Besides the fundamentally interesting properties, structured light is highly appealing for a vast field of applications ranging from light-matter interactions to quantum information, to imaging and microscopy. Over the last decades, the field has also branched out into various directions, such as nonlinear optics, optical communication and matter-wave phenomena, which are topics similarly covered by the conference.
The list of invited speakers can be found here.
The upcoming meeting in Tampere will provide the opportunity for researchers to share their latest results and discuss new ideas about the future directions yet to be explored.
Conference topics
- Fundamentals of optical angular momentum
- Structured light
- Singular optics
- Interaction of structured light with matter
- Imaging and microscopy
- Optical forces, trapping, and optomechanics
- Optical spin-orbit effects
- Quantum information
- Quantum simulation
- Free-space and guided optical communication
- Nonlinear optics
- Structured matter waves
Scientific Committee
- David Andrews (University of East Anglia, UK)
- Peter Banzer (University of Graz, Austria)
- Konstantin Bliokh (RIKEN, Japan)
- Robert W. Boyd (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Mark R. Dennis (University of Birmingham, UK)
- Andrew Forbes (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa)
- Sonja Franke-Arnold (University of Glasgow, UK)
- Ido Kaminer (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
- Ebrahim Karimi (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Natalia Litchinitser (Duke University, USA)
- Lorenzo Marrucci (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
- Miles Padgett (University of Glasgow, UK)
- Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop (University of Queensland, Australia)
- Anton Zeilinger (Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna, Austria)
Local Organizers
Marco Ornigotti & Robert Fickler