Best Paper Award

Best Paper Award was announced at the closing of the conference.

Best Paper Award

OSNMAlib Improvements and Real-Time Monitoring of Galileo OSNMA
Aleix Galan, Cristian Iñiguez, Ignacio Fernandez-Hernandez, Sofie Pollin, Gonzalo Seco-Granados

1st Runner-Up

Few-Shot Learning with Uncertainty-based Quadruplet Selection for Interference Classification in GNSS Data
Felix Ott, Lucas Heublein, Nisha Lakshmana Raichur, Tobias Feigl, Jonathan Hansen, Alexander Rügamer, Christopher Mutschler

2nd Runner-Up

GNSS Anomaly Detection with Complex-valued LSTM Networks
Outi Savolainen, Arul Elango, Aiden Morrison, Nadezda Sokolova, Laura Ruotsalainen