ICL-GNSS 2024 & WIPHAL 2024

June 25-27, 2024
Antwerp, Belgium

About the conference



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Conference format

The 2024 event is organized as a regular physical event in Antwerp, Belgium.

Conference programme

See the conference programme page.

Submission deadlines

  • IEEE-copyrighted papers: March 7, 2024 (extended)
  • Work-in-Progress/industrial papers: April 22 (full paper – extended)

See the “Author info” tab for the required format for each of these paper categories.


Here is the registration link.

Notification schedule

  • IEEE-copyrighted papers: April 12, 2024
  • Work-in-Progress/industrial papers: May 13, 2024

Conference scope

Reliable navigation and positioning are becoming essential in applications for IoT in industry and logistic applications, in smart city environments, for safety-critical purposes, in public services and consumer products to guarantee transparent, efficient and reliable workflows. A robust localization solution, which will be available continuously is needed regardless outdoor and indoor, and on different platforms. ICL-GNSS addresses the latest research on wireless and satellite-based positioning techniques to provide reliable and accurate position information with low latency. The emphasis is on the design of mass-market navigation receivers and related tools and methodologies, but also many kinds of sensing devices, wireless systems with localization capabilities, and location-aware applications are within the scope of ICL-GNSS.

Journal collaboration

A special issue in the IEEE Journal on Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation open-access journal will be edited after the conference based on extended top-tier papers from the conference.

Organisers and sponsors

ICL-GNSS 2024 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE AES society. The main conference office is provided by Tampere University. The University of Antwerp is the local organizer. J-ISPiN is our collaboration partner for a post-conference special issue.