Special Sessions can be proposed by January 31, 2025 by email to iclgnss@tuni.fi. They will be added to the paper submission system once approved by the organizers.
To propose a Special Session, send the proposed session title/topic, organizer(s) name, affiliation and email, a short paragraph on the rationale of the session, and the names and email addresses of five proposed (PhD level) reviewers for the papers submitted to the session.
Special Session papers will undergo similar reviews as any other papers submitted to the conference. At least one of the organizers is expected to register as participant to ICL-GNSS and chair the session if it will be included in the program.
Accepted Special Sessions:
- ISAC with mMIMO
- GNSS anti-spoofing and authentication
- Smartphone and wearable based sensor integration
These special sessions will be available as topics in paper submission in ConfTool.