Time zone
The time zone for the conference is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) (UTC+03:00)
Zoom links to the sessions
Conference participants will receive links to all of the Zoom sessions via email by 19 May 2021. You can also find the links each session on the programme page.
If you have any questions or require assistance with practical matters, please do not hesitate to contact our conference coordinator Lauri Heimo via email lauri.heimo@tuni.fi or phone:+358505099079.
Session format
Each session consists of 3 to 4 presentations and lasts 90 minutes.
We ask each session chair and presenter to enter the Zoom meeting 15 minutes before the session start. This allows for the host of the session to assign all the presenters and the chair of the session as “co-hosts” to enable screen sharing and thus presenting your PowerPoint or equivalent.
Each presentation has been allocated 15 minutes. Please note that to avoid unnecessary interruptions all hyperlinks should be opened before the sessions. There will be time for discussion and questions after all presentations have been held.
By default, the conference presentations will be held live during the sessions. However, if there is a need to use a pre-recorded presentation, please contact the organizing committee (esarn15.midterm2021@tuni.fi) to sort out the options for this. Please do so well in advance for us to provide all help necessary. If there is a need to rehearse or otherwise check if connections etc. are working properly, there is an opportunity to do so during the third week of May (17-21 May 2021).