The conference organisers reserve the right to make changes to this preliminary program without prior notice.
Thursday 14 November 2024
Registration, Main lobby
Session 1 (room A1): From research to impact in digital health and welfare services (session in English)
Chair: Outi Ahonen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH)
Chair Outi Ahonen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH)
Associate Professor Tuomas Koskela, Tampereen yliopisto
Current and future impacts of AI on Health Care
Associate professor George Dorffner, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
eHealth Award Ceremony
Outi Ahonen and Pirkko Kouri, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH)
Lunch (YO Restaurant, 2nd floor) and exhibition
Session 2a (room A1): Artificial Intelligence (session in English)
Chair: Mark Van Gils, Tampere University
Invited speeches:
Collaborative Machine Learning for Healthcare
Professor Samuel Kaski, Aalto University and University of Manchester
How could AI help the clinician?
Professor Jussi Hernesniemi, Tampere University
Scientific Rapid Presentations:
O-1 Detecting Flow States in Gaming Environments Using Entropy-Based Features and Consumer-Oriented EEG Headbands
Matin Beiramvand, Reijo Koivula, Tarmo Lipping
O-2 Exploring robustness of a 12-leads arrhythmia classifier: A multi-database approach
Long Dang, Pedro A. Moreno-Sánchez, Mark van Gils
O-3 Clarifying the development phases and related regulation of predictive AI models for clinical decision-making: a framework proposal
Marketta Niemelä, Miikka Keski-Säntti, Katja Nolvi, Ira Haavisto, Tuukka Hakkarainen, Santtu Kivelä, Carina Dantas, Miriam Cabrita, Riikka-Leena Leskelä
O-4 Risk management to health artificial intelligence applications
Alpo Värri
Corporate presentations
Sessio 2b (sali A4): Digitaaliset vastaanotot (session in Finnish)
Puheenjohtaja: Tuomas Koskela, Tampereen yliopisto
Digitaaliset vastaanotot perusterveydenhuollossa
vastaava lääkäri ja tohtorikoulutettava Kaisa Kujansivu, Terveysasemapalvelut Pihlajalinna Oy ja Tampereen yliopisto
Käytännön kokemuksia etävastaanotoista Pirkanmaalta
projektipäällikkö Aino Nokelainen, Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue
Tieteelliset esitykset:
O-5 (title in English) Experiences of Using Digital and Remote Health Services to Support Work Ability: A Qualitative Interview Study
Elina Kervinen, Lauri Vähätalo, Anna Siukola, Tiia Reho, Klas Winell, Riitta Sauni
O-6 (title in English) Developing digital services for assessing diet quality, having automated feedback, and getting support for dietary changes: Ravitsemusnavigaattori & Ravitsemuspolku
Elina Järvelä-Reijonen, Jesse Honkanen, Kirsikka Aittola, Iiro Välimaa, Henna Lehikoinen, Maria Lankinen, Marjukka Kolehmainen
O-7 (title in English) The effectiveness of exergaming (YetiHome:registered:) versus traditional exercise for older people mobility and balance: protocol of the randomized intervention trial
Sari Arolaakso, Sinikka Lotvonen, Satu Elo
O-8 (title in English) Establishing the Remote Consultation Working Group of the Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth: Towards Best Practices
Paula Veikkolainen, Marja Nieminen, Mika Fiskari, Kaisa Kujansivu, Mikko Vesamäki, Sanna Pesonen, Eero Latva-Rasku, Jouni Turunen, Aleksi Schrey
Coffee, exhibition and posters (Main Auditorium foyer, 2nd floor)
Session 3a (room A1): CyberSecurity and Regulations (session in English)
Chair: Alpo Värri, Tampere University
Invited speeches:
The impact of new and upcoming cybersecurity regulations
Director Standardization Product Security Ben Kokx, Philips, The Netherlands
Acute cyber security situation in Finnish healthcare and long-term recommendations
Senior specialist Perttu Halonen, National Cyber Security Centre Finland
Scientific rapid presentations:
O-9 Feasibility of Synthetic Tabular Data for the Research and Development of Clinical Decision Support with Ischemic Stroke Use Case
Aysen Degerli, Harri Pölönen, Juha Pajula, Miikka Kivioja, Aino-Lotta Alahäivälä, Arho Virkki
O-10 Secondary use of health care data and needed competencies
Sari Räisänen, Kristina Helminen, Jyri Rajamäki, Maria do Carmo Gomes, Outi Ahonen
O-11 Information and Data Management on Planetary Health and Wellbeing within Transatlantic Ecosystem Model
Laura Tahvanainen, Birgitta Tetri, Outi Ahonen
Corporate presentations
Sessio 3b (sali A4): Digiosaamisen vahvistaminen (session in Finnish)
Puheenjohtaja: Outi Ahonen, Suomen Telelääketieteen ja e-Health seura (STeHS)
Mitä kuuluu sote-henkilöstön digiosaamiselle – tilannekuva hyvinvointialueilta ja parhaita käytänteitä
sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon kehittämisen asiantuntija, terveystieteiden tohtori, selvityshenkilö Merja Tepponen
Digitalisaatio-osaamisen viitekehys syöpää sairastavan hoidossa
yliopettaja Virpi Sulosaari, Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu
Tieteelliset esitykset:
O-12 (title in English) Perceptions of AI-assisted welfare services: Readiness, reliance and realism
Tuuli Turja, Outi Ahonen
O-13 (title in English) Educational interventions and their effects on healthcare professionals’ digital competence development: A systematic review
Emma Kulju, Erika Jarva, Anne Oikarinen, Mira Hammarén, Outi Kanste, Kristina Mikkonen
O-14 (title in English) General digital competencies of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists, Laboratory Technologists and Radiographers
Eeva Liikanen, Marja Jaronen, Piia Kanto, Marianne Ellegaard, Henriette Lorenzen, Morten E. Moeller, Søren Jørgensen, Harmen Bijwaard, Richard Fjellaksel
O-15 (title in English) From Beds to Bytes – virtual wards in healthcare
Lotta Eronen, Pauleen Mannevaara, Jonas Danielson
O-16 (title in English) Initial experiences of Virtual patient simulator in “As a substitute doctor at Virtual Village health center” Education Course for Medical Students in Finland
Tiina Salmijärvi, Henri Takalo-Kastari, Anu Kajamaa, Hanni Muukkonen, Petri Kulmala, Joni Lämsä, Jarmo Reponen
O-17 (title in English) “Human dignity and sense of meaningful life”- remote rehabilitation intervention modelling to people with cerebrovascular accident and multiple sclerosis
Tuulikki Sjögren, Hilkka Korpi
Coffee, exhibition and posters (Main Auditorium foyer, 2nd floor)
Session 4a (room A1): Uptake and impact of digitalization (session in English)
Chair: Paula Veikkolainen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH)
Invited speeches:
Health care digitalisation across EU member states – past achievements and new challenges
Dr., Adjunct Professor, Board member of International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth Karl A. Stroetmann, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, Canada
User experience of health IT in the course of years in Denmark
Professor Christian Nøhr, Aalborg University, Denmark
Scientific rapid presentations:
O-18 Patients’ perspective on using consumer wearables for digital remote monitoring at home
Melika Azim Zadegan, Rosa Sahlström, Eeva Aromaa, Tero Montonen, Päivi Eriksson, Ville Leinonen
O-19 The relationship between attitudes, emotions and the intention to use digital rehabilitation solutions: Insights from Rwandan rehabilitation professional
Kaisa Lällä, Eeva Aartolahti, Michael Oduor, David Tumusiime, Katariina Korniloff
O-20 Prevention and Well-being in the Cross-border Region: WellData, an Innovative Collaboration for Data Exchange
Okan Kaya, presenter
Elisabeth Honinx, Annelies Van den Eynde, Pieter Van Gorp, André Boorsma, Jildau Bauman, Vicky der Auwera, Kim Helsen, Nathalie Lambrechts
O-21 Chain of Portable Health Folder: A Systematic Literature Review
Duarte Mateus, Ana Lúcia Martins, Ricardo Correia
O-22 Remote monitoring for hypertension management: evaluating the effectiveness of telemedicine in rural Kentucky
Naya Chopra, Lalit Vadlamani
Corporate presentations
Sessio 4b (sali A4): Päätöksenteon tuki ja Tekoäly käytännössä (session in Finnish)
Puheenjohtaja: Jarmo Reponen, Suomen Telelääketieteen ja e-Health seura (STeHS)
Päätöksentuki lääkärintyössä
päätoimittaja Johannes Lyytikkä, Kustannus oy Duodecim
Tekoälyn implementointi terveydenhuoltoon
TKI-johtaja Johan Sanmark, Länsi-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialue
Tieteelliset esitykset:
O-23 (title in English) Most importantly, AI liberates time for the patient: a classification and prioritization of artificial intelligence uses for wellbeing services counties
Marketta Niemelä, Tommi Kemppainen
O-24 (title in English) Co-development is crucial for implementing large language models for social and health care
Jaana Kokko, Roni Huhta, Mikko Reinikka, Timo Alalääkkölä, Miia Jansson, Henna Härkönen, Santeri Rytky, Miika T. Nieminen, Jarmo Reponen, Heikki Mikkonen
O-25 (title in English) Searching informal information after a medical appointment
Tuuli Turja, Milla Rosenlund, Virpi Jylhä
O-26 (title in English) Representing relative workload variation in home care teams to facilitate workload management
Joona Koistinen, Päivi Sanerma, Hanna Naakka
O-27 (title in English) Managing Complex Patient Processes Using Process Mining on Electronic Health Records: Preliminary Findings of a Case Study on Multiple Sclerosis
Märt Vesinurm, Valtteri Lipsanen, Lauri Saarinen, Paul Lillrank, Paulus Torkki, Laura Mäkitie, Sini M Laakso Miika Koskinen
Dinner (Paja Congress, Sokos Hotel Torni Tampere, address: Ratapihankatu 43)
Friday 15 November 2024
Session 5 (room A1): eHealth Economics (session in English)
Chair: Eero Latva-Rasku, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH)
Invited speeches:
Evaluating effectiveness and cost-effectivess of digital healthcare technologies
Professor Mika Kortelainen, University of Turku, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Assessing the (cost)effectiveness of eHealth/Digital solutions
Professor Janne Martikainen, University of Eastern Finland
Corporate presentations
Coffee and demonstrations to digital solutions ("Gallery walk", TAU, TAMK, Pirha)
TAMK Sote Virtual Lab (room A08)
In the Virtual Lab for Social and Health Care we develop, test and put forward ideas on tomorrow’s digital and intelligent technologies related to basic health care, safe and well-performing home environment, remote care and rehabilitation, telemedicine, and mobile healthcare services.
Tampere University, Research and Testing Services for Physiological Measurements, and Current Research Projects in the eHealth and eWelfare Domains (room A07)
We will present research conducted at the Health and Assistive Technology Laboratory of Tampere University. Additionally, we will introduce two major EU-funded international research efforts that started in 2024 (themes: digital twins, modelling, federated data analysis), and the newly launched Tomorrow’s Sports and Health Campus project, funded by the Council of Tampere Region, that involves a wide network of institutes working with SMEs on wellness and preventive solutions in the Pirkanmaa region.
The Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa (room A06)
You will have access to a series of websites for residents that support their well-being and health. These include the Wellbeing through Lifestyle, Digital Family, Digital Hub and Nepsy – neuropsychiatric difficulties websites. You can also find out more about the residents’ own digital services with strong authentication, the MyPirha portal. The portal includes digital forms, appointment booking facilities, applications for social services or the possibility to enrol in a group. More than 230 000 people have registered with MyPirha. Launched in spring 2024, the Digital Clinic offers a quick and easy way to manage your health via a mobile app or website. More than 100 000 customers have already used the Digital Clinic in its first six months. You can also learn about technologies for older people. Home care is one of the most digitalised services. More than 1 000 home care clients already have a medicine dispenser and more than 14 000 video-mediated visits are made every month.
Session 6a (room A1): Data Access and Data Quality (session in English)
Chair: Vesa Jormanainen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH)
Invited speeches:
European health data space and preparatory actions
Project manager Markus Kalliola, Finnish Innovation Fund SITRA
Experiences on nation-wide health data harmonization: commitment to shared goal, data quality and federated analyses
Senior Medical Advisor Tarja Laitinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Scientific rapid presentations:
O-28 Assessment and reimbursement models for digital health technologies in different European countries
Jari Haverinen, Raija Järvinen, Teemu Mustola, Petra Falkenbach
O-29 Compatibility of medical risk calculators with data from Finnish National Health Record System
Viljami Männikkö, Klaus Förger, Henna Urhonen
Corporate presentations
Sessio 6b (sali A4): Digiratkaisujen näyttö käytännössä (session in Finnish)
Puheenjohtaja: Juhamatti Huusko, Suomen Telelääketieteen ja e-Health seura (STeHS)
Miten voimme tutkia terveydenhuollon digiratkaisujen näyttöä?
apulaisprofessori Paulus Torkki, Helsingin yliopisto
Mitä kokemuksia meillä on terveydenhuollon digitaalisten ratkaisujen arvioinnista?
arviointipäällikkö Petra Falkenbach, FinCCHTA, Pohde
Tieteelliset esitykset:
O-30 (title in English) Leveraging Digital Twin Technology for Healthcare: Mapping Potential Benefits and Impacts through a Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Case Study
Annariina Koivu, Mark van Gils, Antti Ahola, Jari Hyttinen
O-31 (title in English) Participatory design in the development of a mobile application for the NFBC1966 follow-up study: initial steps in the STAGE project
Erika Jarva, Tiia Yrttiaho, Minna Isomursu
O-32 (title in English) Value Co-creation and Co-destruction in Digital Health Services: Preliminary Findings of Systematic Review
Elina Laukka, Tuure Tuunanen, Miia Jansson, Minna Vanhanen, Nina Hirvonen, Jenni Palukka, Märt Vesinurm, Paulus Torkki
O-33 (title in English) Ecosystem Supporting Commercialization of Digital Health Innovations
Pauliina Tryykilä, Elina Kontio
Lunch (YO Restaurant, 2nd floor) and exhibition
Session 7 (room A1): Lesson learned in assessing the impact of digital services of health care (session in English)
Chair: Vesa Jormanainen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH)
Health in the Digital Age
Eric Sutherland, Senior Health Economist, OECD
Do we have evidence, if it is beneficial to organize health care services digitally?
Prof. Dr. Gro Rosvold Berntsen, Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, Tromsoe, Norway
Award ceremony & closing words
Outi Ahonen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH)
Tuomas Koskela, Tampere University