Asian Studies Days 2024

Tampere University, City Centre Campus
Kalevantie 4, 33100 Tampere

Thursday 14th November, Doctoral seminar
Link to registration form (open until Sept 30)

 Friday 15th of November, Main event
Link to registration form

Preparing for a Multipolar Global Era:
The Importance of Research and Education on Asia  


Arranged in cooperation between Tampere University and the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies

Distinguished keynote speakers

Timely workshop on AI tools for Asian Studies
(with travel grants for students from Jyväskylä and
Turku Universities, see below for details)


In a multipolar world, where power and influence are dispersed across multiple nations, Asia stands as a critical region to study. With its diverse economies, complex geopolitical dynamics, and growing influence in global governance, understanding Asia is essential for addressing the “wicked problems” of our time—issues like climate change, economic inequality, and technological disruption. Asian countries play a major role in shaping the global economy, environmental policies, and security frameworks.

For Finland, comprehending this shifting global landscape is especially important. The country must navigate the complexities of a world where global power balances are in flux. By deepening our understanding of Asia, we can better analyse the evolving global landscape, contribute to problem-solving initiatives, and engage responsibly in the increasingly complex international environment.



Outi Luova

University Lecturer

Director / Finnish University Network for Asian Studies

Vice Director / Centre for East Asian Studies

University of Turku, Finland

tel +358 (0)29450 3058


Student grants

Students of Jyväskylä and Turku Universities can apply for a travel grant (maximum of 20€) to cover travel costs to the workshop.
Ten travel grants will be offered to students from both Jyväskylä and Turku Universities, with 10 grants allocated to students of each university, on a first-come, first-served basis. You can apply for the grant through the registration form.

Criteria for the grant:
– attendance in both the morning session and the AI workshop (November 15th)
– applicant is registered as a student in the University of Jyväskylä or Turku
– applicant does not live in Tampere region


Main page image: Jousia Lappi, City of Tampere
